Love love love TVD. Heres a little vid I made. Let me know what you think :)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Oh poor neglected blog. I really need to start showing you some affection. Haven't had time for crafting etc., been so busy with work and my course. Lots of things to come tho. Have decided to start selling jewellery so gonna start off with earrings to see how things go. Have lots of things ordered so it should be a lot of fun.
Have been reading 'Memoirs of a Geisha'. I picked it up by accident in the library and at the mo is like 3 weeks overdue. Oopps sorry :( Its an amazing book. Not even half way through yet but its very well written. Go buy, borrow or steal if you haven't read it already. I just find the whole Geisha thing very fascinating. Will do up a review when I've finished it :)
Nicky X
Have been reading 'Memoirs of a Geisha'. I picked it up by accident in the library and at the mo is like 3 weeks overdue. Oopps sorry :( Its an amazing book. Not even half way through yet but its very well written. Go buy, borrow or steal if you haven't read it already. I just find the whole Geisha thing very fascinating. Will do up a review when I've finished it :)
Nicky X
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Coming next shall be papercraft using the brown and black doodlebugs products from Do Crafts. They're 12x12 papers are amazing. Will stick a few pics up tommorrow of them before I deface them. It pains me to use them. I'd rather just let them just sit among my craft supplies to be admired X
do crafts,
Jewellery by me :)
So I was cleaning out my craft wardrobe (yes, I have a wardrobe load of stuff) and found an old project sheet from DoCrafts and got inspired, along with a moxyload of beads. I didn't have everything from the 'you will need' section so I improvised. Let me know what ya think :) X
This is what I used:
2 x starter pack satin antique gold
1 x toggle starter pack antique gold
1 x 3pc jewellery tool value pack
1 x tiny shell spacers
1 x gemstone ovals
1 x Mother of Pearl ovals
(these are all from DoCrafts' Cousins range)
I also used a pack of 6mm pearls from Viva Decor
My finished creation:
antique gold,
do crafts,
jewellery making,
mother of pearl,
viva decor
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
New Laptop
Woop woop got my new laptop so shall be able to blog once and for all. Not sure how to link the Windows live writer with Blogger though. Any help greatly appreciated :)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Royal Wedding
I have to admit I had no interest in the Royal Wedding but when Kate's Dad walked her down the aisle I may have chocked up a little sweet. He looks so proud x
Friday, April 15, 2011
Windows to the Past
The musky smell filled the two bedroomed New York appartment which Kirsten Coleman liked to call home. Across the floral rug at the foot of the bed were strewn old black and white photos, some of which looked very tattered, worn and yellow due to time spent locked in the top right hand corner of the old pine wardrobe.
The photos had been rediscovered by chance when Kirsten had misplaced her favourite black dress. As she pulled apart her wardrobe she came across the photos and took them down to take a look, a whole three shoeboxes full of them.
In the middle of the photos sat Kirsten, a forty five year old social worker. She lived with a friand, Julie, who was also divorced. Both of them had kids, but were grown up and were out living their own lives.
As Kirsten sat and gazed at the photos lovingly they brought memories flooding back of her childhood and her family in the little village of Castletown back home in Ireland.
Amongst the photos were pictures of old pets. An old shabby sheepdog called L;ucky who helped her father on the farm and the adorable Chino, the family cat, who teased the dog constantly but who the family kept because Kirsten's grandmother was so attached to the little furball. There were also photos of Kirsten and her brothers and sisters playing in the chicken coop.
Kirsten shed a tear as she came across the picture of her at six months old in her mother's arms. Fashion was so different back then. Kirsten's mother wore a polka dot dress with frills on the cuffs and her hair was pilled back and pinned into a bun.
She also came across a picture of her father and her younger brother Ryan. Kirsten's father was carrying Ryan on his shoulders as he was the baby , while the rest of the children waddled behind like a row of baby ducklings.
In another photo Kirsten was playing a game of chess with her grandfather along by the river, a game which she realised she hadn't played since he passed away in that sad, unforgettable summer of 1973.
Among these photos was one of Kirsten's mother and father's wedding, to which all the Coleman's and Fitzpatrick's attended. There was Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Rose, Uncle Eric and Mick and Aunt Margaret but to name a few.
Kirsten had lost contact with her family when she moved to New York seven years beforehand. How she longed to hear her mother's familiar voice.
She made a dash for the phone and picked up the receiver but slammed it down twice as quick. What would she say? What would her reason be for not getting in contact until now? What if their number had been changed?
A couple of hours later she finally pucked up the courage to dial the number! She remembered it as though she used it frequently.
She waited nervously as the phone rang. It rang and rang. She was about to give up hope when a frail voice spoke on the other end "Hello? Hello?! Is anybody there? Hello?" It took Kirsten a few seconds to respond, she was overcome with emotion and burst into tears. "Mam, its me!" "Kiki?"
Kirsten and her mother chatted for hours on end about family matters and happenings back home. The family dog had passed away. Uncle Jimmy had gotten married and was now living in Galway. Ryan was happily married and had a baby girl, called Belle.
Kirsten arranged a visit home and decided to drag along Julie to introduce to her family and friends.
What happened her daughter I hear you ask. Well, I'm fine and well. I'm in Ireland at the moment taking care of my grandmother and grandfather. Mam gave me the photos to hang in my grandmother's house. I got them framed and hang with pride on the walls. I added my own to the collection.
Now when anyone wants a trip down memory laneall they have to do is gaze upon the walls and the memories come flooding back, of youth, fun times and family members gone but not forgotten.......
The photos had been rediscovered by chance when Kirsten had misplaced her favourite black dress. As she pulled apart her wardrobe she came across the photos and took them down to take a look, a whole three shoeboxes full of them.
In the middle of the photos sat Kirsten, a forty five year old social worker. She lived with a friand, Julie, who was also divorced. Both of them had kids, but were grown up and were out living their own lives.
As Kirsten sat and gazed at the photos lovingly they brought memories flooding back of her childhood and her family in the little village of Castletown back home in Ireland.
Amongst the photos were pictures of old pets. An old shabby sheepdog called L;ucky who helped her father on the farm and the adorable Chino, the family cat, who teased the dog constantly but who the family kept because Kirsten's grandmother was so attached to the little furball. There were also photos of Kirsten and her brothers and sisters playing in the chicken coop.
Kirsten shed a tear as she came across the picture of her at six months old in her mother's arms. Fashion was so different back then. Kirsten's mother wore a polka dot dress with frills on the cuffs and her hair was pilled back and pinned into a bun.
She also came across a picture of her father and her younger brother Ryan. Kirsten's father was carrying Ryan on his shoulders as he was the baby , while the rest of the children waddled behind like a row of baby ducklings.
In another photo Kirsten was playing a game of chess with her grandfather along by the river, a game which she realised she hadn't played since he passed away in that sad, unforgettable summer of 1973.
Among these photos was one of Kirsten's mother and father's wedding, to which all the Coleman's and Fitzpatrick's attended. There was Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Rose, Uncle Eric and Mick and Aunt Margaret but to name a few.
Kirsten had lost contact with her family when she moved to New York seven years beforehand. How she longed to hear her mother's familiar voice.
She made a dash for the phone and picked up the receiver but slammed it down twice as quick. What would she say? What would her reason be for not getting in contact until now? What if their number had been changed?
A couple of hours later she finally pucked up the courage to dial the number! She remembered it as though she used it frequently.
She waited nervously as the phone rang. It rang and rang. She was about to give up hope when a frail voice spoke on the other end "Hello? Hello?! Is anybody there? Hello?" It took Kirsten a few seconds to respond, she was overcome with emotion and burst into tears. "Mam, its me!" "Kiki?"
Kirsten and her mother chatted for hours on end about family matters and happenings back home. The family dog had passed away. Uncle Jimmy had gotten married and was now living in Galway. Ryan was happily married and had a baby girl, called Belle.
Kirsten arranged a visit home and decided to drag along Julie to introduce to her family and friends.
What happened her daughter I hear you ask. Well, I'm fine and well. I'm in Ireland at the moment taking care of my grandmother and grandfather. Mam gave me the photos to hang in my grandmother's house. I got them framed and hang with pride on the walls. I added my own to the collection.
Now when anyone wants a trip down memory laneall they have to do is gaze upon the walls and the memories come flooding back, of youth, fun times and family members gone but not forgotten.......
Monday, April 11, 2011
The past few days in pics.....
chesire cat,
dita von teese,
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The House at Riverton
I just finished 'The House at Riverton' by Kate Morton, wow, what a read. It is a story of love and mystery and is set in the Winter of 1999, although, most of the novel is in flashback and set in the early 1920s.
The novel is told from the point of view of Grace Bradley, a ninety eight, one time housemaid at Riverton Manor. She is approached by a young director, who is making a film about the lives of the family she worked for. Old memories awaken and with them dark secrets long kept.
It has come, a time for her to share her secret before her time has run out.
In the novel we also meet Hannah, a very opinionated young lady who seeks adventure. Grace becomes her ladys maid. They form a strong bond until THAT night.
Its a time when women are expected to be seen and not heard, to work when married was seen as an insult to ones huband.
The story follows Hannah's relationship with her sister Emmeline, her marriage to an american named Teddy, forbidden love and the sacrifices Grace must make in order to keep her position as ladys maid to Hannah.
This was a great read, really sucked the reader in. Before bed I usually finish a chapter before closing a book for the night but with this one I found myself pushing my tiredness to its limits and reading until I dozed off, book in hand which frequently resulted in the book falling off the bed and me losing my place. Go buy it now! Or borrow it, just read it!
Can't wait to read 'The Forgotten Garden'. It has a lot to live up to. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nicky X
The novel is told from the point of view of Grace Bradley, a ninety eight, one time housemaid at Riverton Manor. She is approached by a young director, who is making a film about the lives of the family she worked for. Old memories awaken and with them dark secrets long kept.
It has come, a time for her to share her secret before her time has run out.
In the novel we also meet Hannah, a very opinionated young lady who seeks adventure. Grace becomes her ladys maid. They form a strong bond until THAT night.
Its a time when women are expected to be seen and not heard, to work when married was seen as an insult to ones huband.
The story follows Hannah's relationship with her sister Emmeline, her marriage to an american named Teddy, forbidden love and the sacrifices Grace must make in order to keep her position as ladys maid to Hannah.
This was a great read, really sucked the reader in. Before bed I usually finish a chapter before closing a book for the night but with this one I found myself pushing my tiredness to its limits and reading until I dozed off, book in hand which frequently resulted in the book falling off the bed and me losing my place. Go buy it now! Or borrow it, just read it!
Can't wait to read 'The Forgotten Garden'. It has a lot to live up to. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nicky X
book review,
house at riverton,
kate morton,
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Little Lyla Lost
Once upon a time there was a wee little fox named Lyla. She was a lively little fox who was always getting into mischief. She had the most beautiful bushy red tail that you have ever seen and the most beautiful coat of thick red fur.
One day she was out playing in the meadow near her burrow when she spotted an enchantingly coloured butterfly floating on the air. The buttercups and bluebells were rustling in the breeze. It was the most glorios of days. She began to chase the butterfly playfully.
Unaware to her she had wandered off the path and into an area unknown to her. Eventually the little butterfly fluttered away leaving Lyla in a panic. She didn't know where she was or in what direction she had come. "I'm lost!" she cried thinking how cross her mother would be. She had warned her that morning not to wander too far as it was hunting season for the humans.
She looked around helplessly for some clue to point her in the right direction. A tear trickled down her cheek as she finally decided it was no use. She was afraid to move in case it brought her further into the woods. She curled into a ball and eventually cried herself to sleep.
When she finally awoke she heard voices not too far off, the sound of giggling and fun being had. She followed the chuckles hopeful that whoever it was would be able to point her in the direction of home.
".......seventy-eight, seventy-nine, eighty! Ready or not here I come!!" the little white rabbit shouted cheerfully. He had been peeking when everyone was hiding so knew where they all were. "Excuse me....." interrupted Lyla. The little white rabbit froze in fear. "Fox!!!!!" he bellowed in warning to his friends as he bolted off, his friends not too far behind. "Wait! Please wait......" she begged but it was no use, they were gone.
Little did Lyla know, she was being watched the whole time by the wise old squirrel, high up in the trees. She lay againt the trunk of a tree and began to sob heavily. When the wise old squirrel was satisfied that Lyla wasn't a threat she made her way to the lower branches just above Lyla's head. "Why are you crying child?" she asked ever so kindly. Lyla was a little alarmed she had not seen her sitting there. "I'm lost and no one will help me" she eventually responded.
"You can hardly blame them child, around here foxes are seen as a great danger to us smaller creatures, they only come around this neck of the woods to hunt." "But I didn't mean to scare them, honestly I didn't" she cried through heavy sobs, "I just want to go home!"
"And go home you shall" smiled the wise old squirrel comfortingly as she dried Lyla's eyes in her apron.
"Sam! Sam!" she shouted up into the branches of the tree. A young squirrel scampered down to them "will you be a dear and escort this poor creature home".
Sam took one glance at Lyla and instantly had pity on her. "Sure thing grandma" he smiled then turned his attention to Lyla "So you're the fox that has been terrorising this neck of the woods all day. You don't look so tough and scary" he hung from a branch above her head giving her the once over. When he was sure she wasn't a danger he jumped down in fron of her and patted her foreleg sympathetically. "Don't worry we'll get you home.....". "Lyla" she finished.
"Stay safe you two. Its dangerous around here at this time of the year. We wouldn't want either of you wandering into any hunting traps" the wise old squirrel waved after them until they were out of sight.
As they made their way through the woods Sam swung from branch to branch high overhead to navigate their route. After a while Sam's little legs became tired so Lyla offered to carry him the rest of the way on her back. She told him about all her brothers and sisters back home and how much she missed them.
"Lyla!! Lyla!!" came the calls of Lyla's upset mother in the distance. "Mother!" her eyes lit up and she began to pick up speed. Sam held on tightly for dear life.
Eventually, they came to a clearing ahead and there she was, Lyla's mother. She had been searching high and low for hours. "What have I told you about wandering off?!" she asked angrily. Anger soon turning to relief to have her baby standing safe and well before her eyes. "Where have you been? I've been worried sick" she laid her head upon Lyla's as Lyla nestled into her thick warm fur.
"I'm sorry Mama, I got lost. Sam here helped me find my way home". Lyla's mother eyed up Sam. "A squirrel helping a fox aye? what an alliance...." she chuckled at how odd they must have looked wandering the woods together. "I am truly grateful you got my baby home safe Sam, why don't you stay for some dinner".
After dinner Lyla and Sam said their goodbyes. Lyla was exhausted after her big adventure and quickly fell asleep nestled into her mother. Her mother smiled as she watched her sleep thankful that she had her home.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Just came across this dress in a magazine the other day. I wantsies. Think she'd let me borrow it for a weekend? No? But seriously wow. Am liking the blonde hair too. Don't go back to crazy hair Kelly!!
March Madness
March has been crazy and stressful but I have decided I'm not going to be a negative nelly anymore. I am going to look on the brighter side of things cause hell, lifes just too short for that kinda thing. Don't let yourself get held back by those stradlers who couldn't be bothered. Keep your head on your shoulders and stay positive and true to yourself. No more bitchin.......from tomorrow lol
"When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on"
"When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on"
Sunday, March 6, 2011
This poor blog has been ignored because of coursework but shall have my creative juices up and flowing again soon.
Watch this space.X
Watch this space.X
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Truth, Bitter Truth
"Someone once said, "It's the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time." Me? I just wanna live a life I'm gonna remember even if I don't write it down." - Brooke Davis
First Attempt....
Ok so this is my first attempt at a Manga dude. Don't laugh! lol. It's quite hard but really interesting. Just learning the basics now so its all circles and ovals. Am dreading getting to the hands, could never draw hands. I always drew people with mittens. When i learn to shade and everything there shall be no stopping me!I shall take over the world mwahahahaha <- evil laugh
Nicky X
Nicky X
Monday, January 17, 2011
Derwent Steampunk Manga
I is nay impressed. I just opened my Steampunk Manga set that I got today. Included in the box is a sketch book, brush, tin of 12 inktense pencils and a CD tutorial. Pencils are lovely and sketchbook is pretty but the CD is crap, tutorial my ass. It shows you how to draw three characters, three!
The three characters are a mechanic, an aristocrat and a lady. There is very little detail. I thought it was gonna be broken down for beginners like me but no, you're thrown in at the deep end. And the fact that its on a CD rather than a book is so offputting. Grr I'm sad. Hopefully the Monster Book of Manga will be a bit more appealing.
Will give it a shot anyways and let you know what happens.
Nicky X
The three characters are a mechanic, an aristocrat and a lady. There is very little detail. I thought it was gonna be broken down for beginners like me but no, you're thrown in at the deep end. And the fact that its on a CD rather than a book is so offputting. Grr I'm sad. Hopefully the Monster Book of Manga will be a bit more appealing.
Will give it a shot anyways and let you know what happens.
Nicky X
At last my Steampunk Manga and Monster Book of Manga have arrived! Yay! Will be kept entertained for a while :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Monday blues...
The weekend is over. :( Why are Mondays so miserable? On the plus side I have a very busy day ahead, so hopefully it shall go pretty quick. Have to sort out invitations and sort out my course :) Exciting exciting stuff
Friday, January 14, 2011
It's Friday!
No sign of my Manga books yet. I'm very sad. Hopefully they shall arrive Monday. And because they haven't arrived I was tempted into buying lots of facepaint. I'm gonna have an entertaining weekend. Am so tempted to paint mad crazy designs all over me in neon paint tomorrow nite going out. Ke$ha eat your heart out lol
Thursday, January 13, 2011
OOooo Prettiness
Look what I spotted today when out and about. It's so prettiful. I have promised to buy it for myself as a present seeing as the ipods are still out of stock in HMV. I think thats reasonable. Think this Manga thing may be an addiction now. Heehee. I may have also orderd a fairy book, a vampire book, some facepaints, a heart wax seal and other nice things. There goes my wages for the week....
Ordered this yesterday. Am very very excited. Haven't really done Manga before but heres to trying something new and fun.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Some doodles from the magical and wonderful mind of moi.....
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Cheer Demon |
An old doodle from when I was a little bit obsessed with One
Tree Hill back in 2006. I've a few more oldies to root out and post. Hopefully they shall not embarass me too much lol.
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Child Fairy |
A more up to date doodle. This is a child fairy. I got bored when I was sat at home sick so decided to clean out a drawer and found a book that I forgot I had and got some inspiration from it. I seem to have improved a little. I'd want to have considering I'm working in an art supplies shop lol
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Adult Fairy |
Another fairy, this one a more mature one. I may be a little bit obsessed lol. Will put up more when I get a chance. Am excited about getting back into my drawing. Working on some fantasy creatures and manga.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
For Paul..
Dearest Paul,
You said you are bored of Facebook. Lets start a new craze with Blogger. It looks a lot more funner. Granted its very complicated but I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to learn, after all we are still young uns.
I shall promise to keep you entertained if you actually use yours. Come on give it a go!
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your friend,
P.S. Yes I did delete my other account. I forgot how to work it so thought best to start from scratch
You said you are bored of Facebook. Lets start a new craze with Blogger. It looks a lot more funner. Granted its very complicated but I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to learn, after all we are still young uns.
I shall promise to keep you entertained if you actually use yours. Come on give it a go!
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your friend,
P.S. Yes I did delete my other account. I forgot how to work it so thought best to start from scratch
The Places You Have Come To Fear the Most
"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours." Ayn Rand
This is very very complicated. Why can't it be easy to spread joy? lol
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