Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday monday baw baw baw baw bawbaw

What a positive and productive day. A lot can be said for plannin. As it was drummed into me in school.... Fail to plan is a plan to fail.

I got the cell studied. It has finally clicked with me...after how many years. I still have to figure out how mitosis works tho, that should be fun..

5 hours study a week they said. One down, four to go and also 5 eye and lip cleanses to do. But keeping on top of things.

So proud x

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Turn that frown upside down

A few positive quotes to get us ready for Monday. Some real gems x






A Day in the Life of a Trainee Beautician...

I started my Beautician course yesterday and it has to be said, it is gonna be a TOUGH few months indeed. Not enough days in the week. I work 5 days a week in a shop, doing makeup and cardmaking on the side at the mo. I now have to squeeze in a full day of school on a Saturday and a day every fortnight at least of work experience in a salon. HELLLLLLP!
It will definitely be worth it in the end. Its just getting there....
I also still need to buy my kit and books aaaaahh!
Can't wait to get stuck in though.... onwards and upwards!
So today I am totally taking advantage of the calm before the storm and having a lazy Sunday while I still can. Have to study the cell, do 5 polishes and 5 eye and lip cleanses before Saturday but sssshh lazy day first!
Happy Lazy Day,
Nickerz x