Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Just came across this dress in a magazine the other day. I wantsies. Think she'd let me borrow it for a weekend? No? But seriously wow. Am liking the blonde hair too. Don't go back to crazy hair Kelly!!

March Madness

March has been crazy and stressful but I have decided I'm not going to be a negative nelly anymore. I am going to look on the brighter side of things cause hell, lifes just too short for that kinda thing. Don't let yourself get held back by those stradlers who couldn't be bothered. Keep your head on your shoulders and stay positive and true to yourself. No more bitchin.......from tomorrow lol

"When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on"

Sunday, March 6, 2011


This poor blog has been ignored because of coursework but shall have my creative juices up and flowing again soon.

Watch this space.X