Sunday, April 10, 2011

The House at Riverton

I just finished 'The House at Riverton' by Kate Morton, wow, what a read. It is a story of love and mystery and is set in the Winter of 1999, although, most of the novel is in flashback and set in the early 1920s.

The novel is told from the point of view of Grace Bradley, a ninety eight, one time housemaid at Riverton Manor. She is approached by a young director, who is making a film about the lives of the family she worked for. Old memories awaken and with them dark secrets long kept.

It has come, a time for her to share her secret before her time has run out.

In the novel we also meet Hannah, a very opinionated young lady who seeks adventure. Grace becomes her ladys maid. They form a strong bond until THAT night.

Its a time when women are expected to be seen and not heard, to work when married was seen as an insult to ones huband.

The story follows Hannah's relationship with her sister Emmeline, her marriage to an american named Teddy, forbidden love and the sacrifices Grace must make in order to keep her position as ladys maid to Hannah.
This was a great read, really sucked the reader in. Before bed I usually finish a chapter before closing a book for the night but with this one I found myself pushing my tiredness to its limits and reading until I dozed off, book in hand which frequently resulted in the book falling off the bed and me losing my place.  Go buy it now! Or borrow it, just read it!

Can't wait to read 'The Forgotten Garden'. It has a lot to live up to.  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Nicky X

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